10: Rihanna – We Found Love in a Hopeless Place

Perseverance. ?? That was the lesson from this song. We talk about it in the video, but this is the first song that we didn’t post on the actual challenge day. We struggled and fought our way through learning it, and I think we actually had a real fight because one of us was feeling particularly defeated […]

9: Sam Cooke – Nothing Can Change This Love

Finding a groove. Okay, it helps that this song just makes you smile! Or makes you hungry… But behind the scenes we were finding our groove too. Amidst the cherry pie, ice-cream etc, we were in a vocal sweet spot. This song gave us a reprieve from the challenge of some of the others songs […]

8: Jackson 5 – I Want You Back

“Don’t let perfection be the enemy of the good.” Lets say it together 5 times! At this point in our New Song November process we had been confronted over and over again with our own perfectionism. It threatened to make even our best takes unusable. We would keep recording takes over and over hoping the […]

7: Fleetwood Mac – Landslide

We can’t predict the unpredictable. At some point something will take us down and we will be blindsided. When all that we know comes tumbling to the ground – our relationship ends, our health wavers, our business fails, our confidence falters – we are faced with countless questions about how to proceed. “Can the child […]

6: Bob Marley – Three Little Birds

Music is POWERFUL!? It can speak what’s in our hearts. Quell our anxieties. Lift up our spirits! ??Music can literally change our state of being, just by hearing it. I’m not sure how many people count this timeless song as one of their favorites, but millions and millions. Perhaps because the message of the song points to […]

5: Death Cab for Cutie – I’ll Follow You Into the Dark

Ah the dislike button. This is the first song from our challenge that received a thumbs down. ?? 2 to be exact, and that’s just at this moment in time. It’s not many in the scheme of things, but it still makes you flinch. We gathered our courage to put ourselves out there, knowing there would be […]

4: Monkees – I’m a Believer

When we did the New Song November Challenge last year, it didn’t take long to realize how important it was to have FUN! The challenge ended up pushing us to such edges that it was really easy to get frustrated and tense. Sometimes we would mess up the same part over and over, Nathan’s guitar […]

3: Sia – Chandelier

Spending the time to learn this song and really be present with the lyrics, it was very apparent how somber and pained it is underneath the glittery pop production. In the same way that the character in the song is running from their pain and numbing shame through drinking and party, the message of the […]

2: Lady Gaga – Shallow

One thing that became abundantly clear throughout the course of this challenge to learn, arrange, record and post a new song every day in November last year was the power of intention and goal setting. We so often go through our lives with an energy regulator, constantly metering our output out of a fear that […]

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