Happy New Year! 2020

Happy New Year!

Can you believe it is the last day of 2019?! The final day of a decade, and then we turn the page into the roaring 2020’s. We were speaking with one of our friends Steven recently and this quote came up: 

“We overestimate what we can accomplish in a day and underestimate what we can accomplish in a year.” 

Isn’t that so true? But then consider what that means for what we can accomplish in 10 years! We believe it is worth taking stock of the past decade, to put into perspective all that has indeed born fruit, but add to that, the challenges we have overcome, the changes that have shaped us, the places we have been, the people that have come and gone. 

Looking back personally, a decade ago Ada lived in Northern Ireland, sang in a Northern Soul band, and ran a community focused sustainability initiative called The 7th Generation Project. In this formative decade Ada left (and mourned) this 2nd home, got her Masters in Leadership & Sustainability in Sweden and met inspiring souls from 30+ different countries. Her dad and sister passed away within the span of a year which brought her back to her home town in Washington state, where she fatefully met Nathan. She and Nathan then forged forces and travelled the world with their first social business Northern Flicker, and eventually took a big leap of faith to pursue their love of music in the incarnation you know us now. A decade ago Nathan could only just legally drink and was forging his video production skills, interning at a college christian ministry, climbing big rocks, and staying up late philosophizing with his college friends in Bellingham. He later got an amazing job with a small video production company in his hometown where he honed his skills further in this do-it-all production house as he wrote, filmed, edited, and directed. There he fatefully met Ada, trained and spread his entrepreneurial wings, deepened his skills for listening and compassion, and of course there was Northern Flicker and music and all the rest.

These reflections are defining features of the decade for us. No doubt there are even more moments of significance. But like we are sharing here, consider the inflection points from your last 10 years. What have been some of your significant moments of the 2010’s? Take a bit of time and really reflect, you might be surprised what you realize. Ask yourself, “Where was I 10 years ago? What paths did I walk to get here now? Who were important characters or influences along the way?” If you’re really brave, we’d love for you to write us an email and share some of your life-altering moments with us. It would be an honor to know what has shaped you over these years. We can all learn from each other.

But of course with looking back comes looking forward. Can we widen our vision enough to imagine what this next decade might hold? While we can’t anticipate what life will throw our way, we can steer our ship in a direction. This is where setting intentions, resolutions, goals, or whatever you might like to call them, is such a powerful tradition to accompany the New Year transition. Maybe you would like to join the masses and commit to move your body more in the New Year, or initiate action on a long held dream or check something off that bucket-list, or get a financial plan going to pay off that pesky debt. There are so many opportunities to focus our attention and energy to develop ourselves and grow purposefully into the people we are meant to be. 

If focusing on your mental health and developing a more consistent mindfulness practice is part of your wishes for 2020, we hope you will download our new Morning Musical Meditation to support you! It is part original song and part guided mediation. Make it part of your morning practice to help start the day off centered and grounded. Simply take 13 min to listen, follow your breath, and open your heart. A recent Wakes member Claudia wrote us this in response to this specific meditation:

“Big thank you for the gift of morning meditations. I am recovering from radiation due to breast cancer and this is going to be part of my daily practice. You are a gifted, amazing team and I am grateful that you are sharing your talents and healing powers.” 

Claudia C.

We hope you will give it a try. Again, you can get this meditation as our gift to you at our new Wakes homepage. We are planning to release more guided meditations and original songs to support your practice throughout the year, so keep your ears perked up for new releases!

Finally, if the Christmas cheer hasn’t worn off you yet, we extended our offer to listen to our Winter Solstice Christmas album for free on our website. At some point we’ll take it down, but until then, listen to your hearts content. ❤️  The option to support our work with a purchase to own and download the music will always be there as well. Thank you to everyone who has supported us so far and helped us share with your family and friends. 

We are very grateful that you have welcomed us into your lives and inboxes this past year, that you showed up so fully to our live events and retreats. You are why we are so passionate about this work. Thank you for being on this path of awakening with us. 

Thank you 2019 for all you have taught us, hello 2020, it’s so nice to meet you! 


Ada & Nathan

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