But Why?

We all want to feel more alive, happier, healthier, with more passion and purpose. We want to feel fulfilled in the lives we lead. Wakes is about waking up our truest potential to be who we really are. We believe human nature is essentially happy, healthy, passionate and purposeful. But we will never be able to realize this potential if we don’t become intimately aquatinted with who we really are. Your relationship with you is the one unchangeable thing in this life. You are stuck with you! So stop worrying about what others think about you, or if you are doing life “right”, and start learning and cultivating what YOU think about YOU and start living your most authentic life.

Who's Life are You Living?

So many of us are running around searching for our dreams and purpose, or we think we know what those are but we are afraid to follow them. Meanwhile we are hardly living at all. We are merely subsisting, waiting for the day when we’ll have it “figured out”. Developing the self awareness and self acceptance to see this clearly is the first step toward realizing any dream. Along this path of self discovery and acceptance most of us will also recognize the ways in which we are trying to live too many lives at the same time and sabotaging our most authentic life with fantasies of someone else’s. 

This focus on self is not selfish

This focus on self is not selfish. You can’t change other people, but you can change yourself if you take the time to look inward. Through self discovery, you transform, and your relationships do too. From this place of authenticity, you won’t be able to help making your contribution to the world. and this serves ALL of our greatest good. 

But What Would My Friends Say?

Think about the depth of understanding that you have with your closest friend. Think about how rich and productive long conversations feel in lifting your spirits, processing emotions, and problem solving complex life situations. It is pretty clear that when it comes to leveraging your relationships to gain perspective on your life, the person who knows you well is going to be the clearest mirror to see yourself and really heal the tension points in your life. The same is true of our relationships with ourselves, the better we know ourselves; the more we listen, the better we will be able to work through the tough stuff on our own. From here we will be to transform our hardship into happiness more often, and more quickly. 
You may be thinking, “I know myself pretty well. I mean, I’ve been inside this head since I was born and I’ve learned a thing or two.” You may very well have an intimate understanding of your inner workings. But one of the problems we often run into in our relationships with ourselves is that it can be a pretty dysfunctional life. Just think about the last time you said something stupid and embarrassed yourself in front of people you respect. How did you respond in your mental conversation with yourself afterword? Was it sweet and soothing, telling yourself that it was an honest mistake? Was it kind words to forgive yourself the blunder and encourage yourself to take an empowered step into the next moment? Or was it full of self loathing and berating yourself for your thoughtlessness? I often think about how I might respond if I saw a parent talking to their child the way I talk to myself in my shame and disappointment. Or even a parent talking to their partner this way. The opposite self aggrandizing internal conversations are just as likely for many of us with hot egos, and just as dysfunctional. The hot ego, when offended, will seek to tear down anything opposing it in order to get value for itself. 

The hot ego, when offended, will seek to tear down anything opposing it in order to get value for itself.

Where is My Power?

What this all reveals is a deep split within us. We are split against ourselves, and we are split against the world. This is the root of so much of the tension in our lives that breeds sadness, dissatisfaction, anxiety, fear, greed, envy, war, and more. If our power comes from what other people think of us, we will live our lives at the whim of others, waiting for their approval in order to be happy. If our power is something we must fight for and assert over others, then we will always be at odds with life to be sure we get what we feel we need. 
The truth is, your power is yours. It is limited only by your own willingness to let it move through you. It is not something to earn or extract, and it cannot be taken away or lost. We can, however, give it away to other people. We can give our power over to someone and anxiously await their approval to get it back, but never in full. Or we can rest in the peace of knowing that our power is our own and share the fruits of it with all who we meet without fear of running out. 

Just Let Go

The work of learning who we really are is ultimately an act of letting go. It is an act of surrendering our fearful pride and eagerness for recognition to be simply who we are, ever constant and ever evolving. It is an act of recognizing the places we rely on others for our power and where we are battling for our worth to recognize that we already have it. Learning who we really are is about embracing our authentic and innate power to be who we are today and to pour ourselves into the truth of now with our fullness. 
So let’s start this inward journey! Let’s tune in to the power that is already within us. Let’s turn up the volume on our inner strength and turn down our reliance on the world to give us what we want. Let’s start embracing the fullness of who we are, in all our perfection and all our brokenness. 

Let’s start embracing the fullness of who we are, in all our perfection and all our brokenness.

We invite you to begin this journey with a free morning musical meditation. Just sign up for our mailing list to get a free meditation track to start your day and stay in the loop on other content and events that we have going on. We are here to support you on this journey. Please reach out to us with questions or insights. We want this online space to act as a community that we can all come to for support.  

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