Doorway Back to Light

Life is a journey. Along the paths we follow, we all will meet moments where we can’t continue in the same way we have been. Life breaks down, and we experience a rupture event that brings us to our knees. These are never easy experiences.

The Heroine’s Journey offers a map of the process many of us go through intuitively when instead of fighting the outer circumstances of our rupture event, we let it guide us inward to reflect on what needs to shift within us so that we can grow and change in the face of this challenge.

Embarking on this journey we seek not conquest or victory, but inner transformation and rebirth. 

Nathan recently had the honor of being interviewed on a podcast by the incredible empathy activist, speaker, podcast host, and dear friend Christine Raine. In the podcast, Christine illustrates The Heroine’s Journey through the inspiring stories of individuals both in English and Spanish. Each episode explores one of the phases of the journey, and Nathan shared his experience and reflections on the phase of The Return, where we integrate the learning we’ve made and enter back into the flow of life again, transformed.

Nathan shares his vulnerable story of transformation as he sought to heal patterns of overbearing control, unseen toxic masculinity, and fear-fueled gaslighting that was threatening his relationship with Ada.

We were delighted to share our song “Doorway Back to Light” at the end of the episode. It really captures this phase of integration and the reality that while we have made big changes, we might still not have it all figured out. But we can step back into life with a new trust in ourselves, and a new relationship with silence and unknowing. 

In honor of this episode, we’ve released a full length performance of the song on YouTube for you to enjoy and use whenever you need it. Watch video above 👆.

How do you relate to this song? Leave us like and comment on YouTube. ❤️

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